Category Archives: FLOSS

In this category I blog about soft- and hardware freedom, like free/libre and open-source software (FLOSS), open and/or free hardware etc.

Moorebot Scout – As Linux as it can get!

Recently I got myself a new toy, the Moorebot Scout The Moorebot Scout startet out with a Kickstarter campaign but by now the Scout is also available for retail directly from Moorebot or from some of the more usual outlets. I got mine from a German retailer via eBay. The Scout is a little larger than the palm of your… Read more »

Awesome free software – Upmixing stereo audio to 5.1 surround!

Open source and free software is so amazing! And you learn new tricks every day. Today I learned how to make my music collection even more awesome to listen to on my home hifi setup. The setup is nothing really spectacular, mainly consisting of an older Yamaha RX-V661 amplifier, a matching Yamaha active subwoofer, two good hifi front speakers, a… Read more »

The case against YouTubeDL (now yt-dlp) – Freedom in danger!

Just the other day I had a thought about this litigation against YoutTubeDL (now yt-dlp), the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) stepped in to help with an amicus brief, talking about how this could endanger culture and free press. While I think they are not wrong in this regard, but I think that everyone is missing another very critical point here!… Read more »

Google Pixelbook ‘Eve’ – Plain Linux

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For many years now I am on a quest to find my ideal mobile computing device, aka laptop. It should be small and lightweight so that it is easy to carry, but not too small so that I can still work on it. It should have decent battery life so that I can get through a day with light use… Read more »

Linux Music Making – Sonic Pi, LMMS, AKAI MPK USB MIDI

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I am not a musician, not at all. I love music! And for year I feel the craving for being able to make my own music, but have not found the right means for it, yet. Over 30 years ago I started a bit with the guitar and indeed had some fun with it! But it cost a lot of… Read more »

Instant Messenger – Ja welcher nun?

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Nachdem ich nun immer wieder Nachrichten weitergeleitet bekomme, wie böse doch Telegram sei. hier mal ein paar Wore dazu. Ja, die vorgebrachten Argumente stimmen im Prinzip. Die größte Kritik ist die für Gruppen fehlende Ende zu Ende Verschlüsselung und damit, dass Gruppenchats unverschlüsselt (=lesbar) auf Telegram Servern liegen. Ja, das ist nicht so gut. Aber bitte bedenkt, dass alle eure… Read more »

Microsoft schränkt Office 365 und Cloud ein – Hoffentlich lernt jemand daraus!

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Wie Heise und andere melden, schränkt Microsoft seine online Produkte wie Office 365 und weitere Netz basierten Dienste immer weiter ein – angeblich wegen der Überlastung ausgelöst durch mehr Nutzung wegen der Corona Virus Krise. Davon abgesehen, dass dies zeigt, dass MIcrosoft offenbar mehr Kapazitäten vermietet hat, als sie tatsächlich vorhalten, was an sich schon ein fragwürdiges Geschäftsgebaren darstellt, da… Read more »

GNOME Foundation faces software patent lawsuit!

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Just today it came to my attention that the GNOME Foundation, a non-profit free software governing foundation, has been approached by what seems to be a patent troll trying to squeeze money out of the non for profit GNOME foundation over a patent, which can only be laughed at. Here is the information that the GNOME foundation gave: Looking… Read more »

Purism Librem 5 – It’s Coming!

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Some may already be aware of it, since September 2016 I am member of the Purism Advisory Board and consulting Purism in matters of mobile devices. As development continues I have been asked beginning of 2017 if I could imagine to lead a mobile device development. After some further discussion about possibilities I started to lead a mobile device development… Read more »