Seit langem schon nagt an mir das schlechte Gewissen, wann immer ich ins Auto steige. Denn noch ist es ein Verbrenner. Seit dem ich mal beim Chaos Camp mal auf einem elektrifizierten Liegerad probe gefahren bin ist mir klar, das ist der Antrieb der Zukunft! Stark, leise und sauber – so sauber der Strom eben ist, den man in den… Read more »
This was my first travel with Singapore Airlines and more especially on an Airbus A380-800, from New York JFK back to Frankfurt Germany. I was pretty excited about this flight. I heard that Singapore Airlines offered outstanding service onboard and I was looking forward to experiencing the world’s largest long haul passenger plane first hand. So far I had just… Read more »
For my work for Purism I just had to book, even pretty short term, a trip from California USA to Shenzhen China. Since I needed to go in less than a week I already expected a pretty expensive ticket. But I was proven wrong, I got a roundtrip flight from Los Angeles (LAX) for US$500! With Hainan airlines, which I… Read more »